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Beyond Sports

Athlete Input Council

Game Changers

Athletes lead the Special Olympics movement by representing the voice and influence of Athlete Leaders advising local and state leadership on policies, and decisions that are important to athletes.

Special Olympics Tennessee’s Athlete Input Council (AIC) meets either in person or virtually three times a year. During the AIC sessions, athletes provide crucial feedback and ideas for strengthening our mission and organization. Lead by athlete leaders, this council gives Special Olympics athletes an opportunity to be bring their thoughts to the table to create positive change and more meaningful experiences for all athletes and as a result, strengthening the organization.

Open AIC meetings are held during Winter Games, Summer Games and the Fall Tournament. Following each council meeting, the council leadership will report to the staff liaison so that the council’s ideas, comments and requests can be presented to the organization’s leadership.

If you would like to submit a topic, please contact Joanne Drumright at

If you would like to nominate an athlete for the council, please fill out the Athlete Leadership Application below.