Sabrina Molina from Nashville, Tennessee loves being a part of Special Olympics and all the opportunities it has opened for her. Her favorite sport to watch is hockey and she competes in basketball, athletics (track & field), long jump, bowling and bocce.
“I like speed skating and track because I'm able to go super-fast," said Molina.

After practicing hard and focusing on her speed, Molina took first place in track at USA Games. Most recently at State Winter Games, she took first place in the 50m and second place in the 25m in speed skating.
Molina, who is 26 years old, has been a part of Special Olympics for 17 years now and has made many great memories.
“My favorite memory with Special Olympics is when I got to go to Orlando for USA Games,” said Molina. “I got to meet people from all over the country!”
Molina’s mother noted that Special Olympics has really helped her because she gets to be social and do the sports she loves.
“I love getting to make new friends at competitions that are like me,” said Molina.
Molina is excited for her upcoming competitions in March.
“I am so excited for Special Olympics in March to see all of my friends that I miss,” said Molina.
Molina also loves her job at Publix Super Markets. She began working at Publix seven months ago.
“My favorite part of working at Publix is getting to scan all of the groceries,” said Molina.
The Publix Torch campaign for Special Olympics recently ended and she was able to see so many people donate and support her as an athlete. It was amazing to watch her face light up talking about Special Olympics and how much it means to her.